Declutter Your Workload

Hire Virtual Assistants: Get your work done faster

Are you working for over 45 hours a week without a break? Have a lot of repetitive or mundane tasks you’d rather have someone else handle for you as you work on more creative and strategically demanding tasks? If so, consider hiring VoxtenD’s virtual assistants to handle your workload while saving up to 70% of costs.
By hiring VAs from VoxtenD, you can ease up all of your usual job hassles. Our VAs can promptly handle your administrative duties, data entry tasks, finance & accounting jobs, customer service requests, and even marketing-related tasks to reduce your workload by up to 78%. VoxtenD has assisted numerous businesses in getting back on track thanks to our staff of virtual assistants.

Multiple Task Categories

You Have a Lot to Handle. Our Virtual Assistants Will Relieve You Of Your Worries.

Data Entry

Get mundane Data Entry workloads off your hands by hiring a bespoke Virtual Assistant. When it comes to data entry, planning and typing out information accurately is crucial. A virtual assistant can fill out your spreadsheets, update your CMSes, add data to your CRMs, and much more.

Personal Virtual Assistant

To assist you in organizing your meetings, purchases, and communications, you can think about hiring a personal virtual assistant. By outsourcing all the mundane tasks to a personal VA, you can unwind and free up time to concentrate on the more urgent and important tasks at hand.

Social Media Management

Do you want to maintain active and regularly updated social media accounts? A VA can do that for you. To assist you in achieving your company plans, our team of experts can post messages and updates on all well-known social media platforms including Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Accounting and Finance

Our virtual assistants can offer assistance with financial, accounting, and other related concerns. They are the best option for all of your tax, payroll, and bookkeeping requirements.

Real Estate Assistance

It might be difficult to manage tiresome chores like loss mitigation and posting rental and sale advertisements online. Employing a VA can make these responsibilities a lot easier to handle.

Customer service

Our Virtual assistants are expertly trained to handle customer service operations including live chat, email inquiries, and tech assistance. They are a priceless asset to any company as they can effectively give clients all the assistance they may require.

Your Personal Admin

Let Virtual Assistants Handle All The Heavy Lifting For You.

Expert Engagement

Organizing meetings and events

By prioritizing the tasks on your to-do list, virtual assistants can help in making you attend to the most urgent matters first. You can also contact them to convey any requirements before a meeting is scheduled by the VA.

Managing correspondence

Your virtual assistant will be instrumental in sorting through, addressing, and responding to the several calls, e-mails, and messages you receive each day. It will also convey the most important messages you happen to receive so that your attention is duly allocated.

Huge Cost Savings

A virtual assistant will be less expensive to hire than when opting for internal staffing. You won't have to worry about paying for a workspace, amenities, or taxes if you hire a virtual assistant. You only pay for the services that you choose.

Higher Productivity

By taking on duties that would otherwise consume a lot of time, virtual assistants have the potential to drastically enhance productivity. A skilled virtual assistant can complete tasks more quickly, which ultimately results in saving your precious time.

VoxtenD Support

Why Hire a Virtual Assistant From VoxtenD?


Financial value

Hire a virtual assistant to work for you, and you'll essentially have access to a team of smart and dedicated specialists in return. With the help of our virtual assistant services, you could be getting much more value than what you spend.



VoxtenD is one of the few virtual assistant providers in India to provide a full refund. We also have strict NDAs and data security procedures in place so that our clients can rest easy in the knowledge that their trade secrets and other information are carefully safeguarded.


Knowledgeable Talent Pool

Our virtual assistant services are provided by experts who have undergone comprehensive training that is relevant to the requirements of our clientele. By hiring our virtual assistants, you can save on money by skipping extra fees that would have otherwise been spent on their training.


Dual Supervision

Your virtual assistants are supervised by a team lead who makes sure there are no hurdles in their way. You are free to guide the group and request frequent updates in order to increase their output.

Value-Oriented Approach
Hire talent
Adaptive Workflow

Flexibility at Your Fingertips.
Work with our Virtual Assistants to Take Care of All Your Unique Needs

Choose The Best

Hire virtual assistants from VoxtenD and get ahead in just eight hours

Brief description

When you hire a virtual assistant from us, be sure to communicate your needs to us directly.

Get resumes

To choose the best virtual personal assistant from our workforce, evaluate our personnel resumes.

Pick one

After thoughtful consideration, select the offshore virtual assistant that you feel best suits you.

Get started

Hire a remote personal assistant to help you get going right now.

Ready to get started?

Are you ready?

Embrace the future of seamless customer engagement, technical support, and business growth with VoxtenD. Contact us today to explore our innovative solutions and elevate your brand's excellence in the digital landscape. Your journey towards enhanced customer experiences and operational efficiency begins here.

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